
dynamicalab.drawing.plot_spectrum(ax, matrix_generator, n_networks=20, nbins=100, vals=[], axvline_color='#ef8a62', bar_color='#67a9cf', normed=True, xlabel='$\\lambda$', ylabel='$\\rho(\\lambda)$', label_fontsize=13)[source]

Plot an histogram of the density spectrum of a family of matrices.


ax : Matplotlib Axes object
Draw the spectrum in the specified Matplotlib axes.
matrix_generator : function
Random generator of the random matrices. Check the example to convert networks to matrices.
n_networks : int : (default=20)
Number of networks to sample the statistics
n_bins : int : (defualt=100)
Number of bins of the histogram.
vals : list : (default=[])
Draw a vertical line for each value in the list
axvline_color : str or list : (default=”#ef8a62”)
If a string, each vertical lines will be this color. If a list, it gives the color of each vertical line for elements of vals, and must be the same length as vals.
bar_color : str : (default=”#67a9cf”)
Fill color of the bars of the histogram.
normed : Bool : (default=True)
If True, the integral of the histogram is equal to one.
xlabel : str : (default= \(\lambda\) )
Label of the X axis.
ylabel : str :
Label of the Y axis.
label_fontsize : int : (default=13)
Fontsize of the labels


import networkx as nx
import dynamicalab.drawing as draw
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

def matrix_generator():
        G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(20,0.5)
        return nx.to_numpy_matrix(G)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,2))
ax = plt.gca()

draw.plot_spectrum(ax, matrix_generator, 