Source code for dynamicalab.dynamics.sis
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import random
from .base import BaseDynamics
[docs]class SISDynamics(BaseDynamics):
"""Markovian discrete time Suceptible-infected-suceptible process on networks.
[docs] def __init__(self, p, q, self_activation=0):
p : Float
Probability of infection
q : Float
Probability of recovery
self_activation : Float : (default=0)
Probability of spontaneous activation
Note that the `__call__(G, T)` method is independent of ``T[i]-T[i+1]``. Only ``len(T)`` is
taken into account for the number of steps.
super(SISDynamics, self).__init__()
self.p = p
self.q = q
self.self_activation = self_activation
self.infected_node_set = set()
def __call__(self, G, T, x0=None):
if x0 is None:
x0 = self.best_x0(G)
for node in range(len(x0)):
if x0[node] == 1:
X = []
for t in T:
self.infected_node_set = set()
return np.array(X)
def best_x0(self, G):
"""Convenient method to get a good initial state given as a random infection.
G : nx.Graph
Network structure
np.array(N): Binary state of each node.
N = G.number_of_nodes()
return np.random.randint(0,2, size=(N,))
def __step(self, G):
"""Realize a time step of the process
new_infected_node_set = self.infected_node_set.copy()
#look for new infections
for node in self.infected_node_set:
#try to infect neighbors
for neighbor in G.neighbors(node):
if random() < self.p:
#look for recuperations
for node in self.infected_node_set:
#try to recuperate
if random() < self.q:
#set new infected nodes
self.infected_node_set = new_infected_node_set
def __get_state(self, G):
"""Returns the current state"""
x = np.zeros(len(G))
for node in self.infected_node_set:
x[node] = 1
# Random activation
if self.self_activation>0:
rdm_act = np.random.choice([0,1], size=len(x), p=[1-self.self_activation, self.self_activation])
x = np.minimum(x+rdm_act, 1)
return x