Source code for dynamicalab.drawing.layouts
import numpy as np
[docs]def group_radial_layout(G, groups, radius=1, margin=np.pi/10.0, phase=0.0, dx=0.0, dy=0.0):
"""This constructs a circular layout of nodes with groups. Each group is separated by a certain angle.
G : Networkx Graph
A Networkx ``Graph`` or ``DiGraph``.
groups : list of lists
A list of groups of nodes. Each element of groups must be a list of ``node_id``.
radius : float : (default=1)
Radius of the circle. Could be useful if you plan to plot two graphs of different size on the same figure.
margin : float : (default=np.pi/10)
Angle space between groups. Increase to add space between groups.
phase : float : (default=0.0)
Initial phase of the circle. This mostly induce a rotation of the nodes on the circle.
dx : float : (default=0.0)
X translation of nodes.
dy : float : (default=0.0)
Y translation of nodes.
Dictionary of positions that can be use directly with ``draw_networks``. Each key is a ``node_id`` (from ``groups``) and the value is a position ``[x,y]``.
.. code:: python
0 : [-0.5,0.1],
1 : [-0.1, 0.5],
Occurs if ``groups`` does not contain all nodes (low criterion).
.. code:: python
import networkx as nx
import dynamicalab.drawing as draw
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# Generate network
N = 20
G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(N,0.4)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2,2))
ax = plt.gca()
# Divide in three groups
groups = [range(6), range(6,14), range(14,N)]
pos = draw.group_radial_layout(G, groups)
node_colors = ['#e41a1c']*6+['#377eb8']*8+['#4daf4a']*(N-14)
draw.draw_networks(G, pos, ax,
.. image:: /_static/assets/circular_layout.png
:align: center
N = len(G.nodes())
if (N!=np.sum([len(u) for u in groups])):
raise ValueError("All nodes must be grouped in list in groups.")
pos = {}
n_groups = len(groups)
theta_accessible = (2.0*np.pi-n_groups*margin)
dt = theta_accessible/N
t0 = phase
for group in groups:
for node in group:
t0 += dt
x = radius*np.cos(t0)
y = radius*np.sin(t0)
pos[node] = [x+dx,y+dy]
t0 += margin
return pos