

Food webs of Torres MA., Coll M., Heymans JJ., Christensen V,. Sobrino I. .

  • Nodes: 44
  • Edges: 413
  • Directed: True
  • Components: 1
  • Note: Canibalism has been found in 14 species or groups. Seabirds, Sharks, Demersal piscivores, Adult hake, Juvenile hake, Benthic cephalopods, Benthopelagic cephalopods, Small benthopelagic fishes, Flatfishes, Small demersal fishes, Crabs, Shrimps, Gelatinous zooplankton, Benthic invertebrates C
  • Description: Cell values indicate the relative frequency of prey species/group in the diet of each predator species/group.


Torres MA., Coll M., Heymans JJ., Christensen V,. Sobrino I. (2013) Food-web structure of and fishing impacts on the Gulf of Cadiz ecosystem (South-western Spain). Ecological Modelling 265 (2013) 26–44


save_path : String : (default=’./data’)
Directory to which the data will be saved.


Object dataset. Use dataset.graph() to download the graph.