Source code for dynamicalab.utils.preprocessing
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
[docs]def largest_connected_component(G, relabel=False):
"""Extract the largest connected component of the graph.
G : nx.Graph
Networkx graph
relabel : bool
If True, relabel the nodes to be between 0 and the new number of nodes. Else, keep the original relabeling.
#1. Keep largest connected component
Gc = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G), key=len)
mapping = {}
for i,node in enumerate(Gc.nodes()):
mapping[node] = i
if relabel:
return Gc
[docs]def merge_duplicated_nodes(G, based_on="name", get_node_attr_fct=None, relabel=False):
"""Merge duplicated nodes based on either a key attribute (`based_on`)
or using a certain function to extract the node key.
G : nx.Graph
Networkx graph
based_on : String
If not None, will be used to extract node identity as ``node["attr_dict"][based_on]``.
If None, the ``get_node_attr_fct`` will be used.
get_node_attr_fct : method
If ``based_on`` is None, ``get_node_attr_fct`` is used to extract node identity as ``get_node_attr_fct(node)``.
relabel : bool
If True, relabel the nodes to be between 0 and the new number of nodes. Else, keep the original relabeling.
Network graph
if ``relabel==True``, the mapping will be returned : ``G, mapping``
if based_on is None:
if get_node_attr_fct is None:
raise KeyError("Parameter get_node_attr_fct must be defined.")
u = np.array([get_node_attr_fct(node) for i,node in G.nodes(data=True)])
u = np.array([node["attr_dict"][based_on] for i,node in G.nodes(data=True)])
for unique_node in np.unique(u):
v = np.argwhere(np.array(u)==unique_node)
if len(v)>1:
for k in range(len(v)-1):
G = nx.contracted_nodes(G, int(v[0]), int(v[k+1]))
if relabel:
mapping = {}
for i,node in enumerate(G.nodes()):
mapping[node] = i
G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping)
return G, mapping
return G