Source code for dynamicalab.generators.kernel
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import random as rdm
[docs]def generalized_PA_model(nu, p, N, directed=False, max_step=1e4):
"""Generates a network using the generalized preferential attachment model. The process goes as follows:
1. Initialize the network with two connected nodes.
2. Choose a birth event with probability ``p``, or a growing event with probability ``1-p``. Then:
a. If a birth event, choose and place a new node in the network.
b. If a growth event, choose an existing node proportionnal to its total degree powers ``nu``.
3. Choose an existing node following 2b.
4. Connect the node from step 2 with node from step 3.
5. Repeat steps 2,3,4 until the number ``N`` is reached.
nu : float
Kernel power.
p : float
Birth probability.
N : int
Number of nodes. The estimated steps to reach ``N`` nodes is ``N/p``.
directed : bool : (default=False)
Construct a directed network. If true, new edges are connected toward older nodes and the output is a ``nx.Digraph``
max_step : int : (default=1e4)
Maximum number of events before the algorithm ends. This does not apply if the desired number of nodes is reached.
nx.Digraph or nx.Graph
The resulting graph.
Occurs if the birth probability ``p`` is smaller or equal to zero.
.. code:: python
import dynamicalab as dlb
nu = 1.0
p = 1.0
N = 40
G = dlb.generalized_PA_model(nu, p, N)
.. note::
See `Young et al., 2018 <>`_ for an intensive description of the model.
.. image:: /_static/assets/zoo.png
:align: center
Example of networks for ``p=1``. Figure inspired of `Young et al., 2018 <>`_.
def add_edge(nodeA, nodeB, G, k, directed):
k[nodeA] += 1
k[nodeB] += 1
G.add_edge(nodeA, nodeB)
if directed:
G.add_edge(nodeB, nodeA)
def choose_existing_node(degrees, nu, tot_k):
k_ch = rdm.random()*tot_k
for i, k in enumerate(degrees):
if k_ch-(k**nu)<=0.0:
return i
k_ch -= (k**nu)
if p<=0:
raise ValueError("p must be larger than 0. ")
degrees = [0]*N
G = nx.DiGraph() if directed else nx.Graph()
# Step 1. Initiate the network
add_edge(0, 1, G, degrees, directed)
n_nodes = 2
nodeB, nodeA = 0, 0
for t in range(int(max_step)):
tot_k = np.sum([k**nu for k in degrees[:n_nodes]])
if rdm.random()<p:
nodeA = n_nodes
n_nodes += 1
nodeA = choose_existing_node(degrees, nu, tot_k)
nodeB = choose_existing_node(degrees, nu, tot_k)
add_edge(nodeA, nodeB, G, degrees, directed)
if (n_nodes>=N):
return G
raise RuntimeWarning("Maximum number of steps reached")
return G