Source code for dynamicalab.generators.connectomes

from dynamicalab import Dataset

[docs]def connectomes(save_path): """Iterator through all connectomes datasets. **Parameter** save_path : String Directory to which the data will be saved. **Example** .. code:: python for data in dlb.connectomes("./da"): G = data.graph() .. note:: It loads all methods of ``Dynamicalab`` for which the name contains ``connectomes_``. Therefore, the name convention must be enforced. """ import dynamicalab as dlb index = 0 methods = dir(dlb) pp_methods = [getattr(dlb,method) for method in methods if ("connectomes_" in method)] datasets = [method(save_path) for method in pp_methods] while index < len(datasets): yield datasets[index] index += 1
[docs]def connectomes_CElegansSNAP(save_path="./data"): """This is a neural network of neurons and synapses in C. elegans, a type of worm. This dataset also includes two-dimensional spatial positions of the rostral ganglia neurons, by `SNAP <>`_ . **Reference** Marcus Kaiser and Claus C. Hilgetag. "Nonoptimal component placement, but short processing paths, due to long-distance projections in neural systems." PLoS Comput Biol 2.7 (2006): e95. **Parameters** save_path : String : (default="./data") Directory to which the data will be saved. **Returns** Dataset Object dataset. Use ``dataset.graph()`` to download the graph. """ url = "" data_type = "edgelist_directed" data_name = "C-elegans-frontal.txt.gz" compress_type = None infos = { "type" : data_type, "download_url" : url, "info_url": "", "description" : "This is a neural network of neurons and synapses in C. elegans, a type of worm. This dataset also includes two-dimensional spatial positions of the rostral ganglia neurons.", "source" : 'Marcus Kaiser and Claus C. Hilgetag. "Nonoptimal component placement, but short processing paths, due to long-distance projections in neural systems." PLoS Comput Biol 2.7 (2006): e95.' } data = Dataset(url, save_path, data_type, data_name, compress_type, infos) return data