Source code for dynamicalab.dynamics.thetamodel
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from .base import BaseDynamics
[docs]class ThetaModelDynamics(BaseDynamics):
"""Theta model, or Ermentrout–Kopell canonical model, is
a biological neuron model.
.. math::
\dfrac{dx_i}{dt} = 1-\cos(x_i) + [1+\cos(x_i)]\eta_j
\eta_j = \Big[I + \dfrac{\sigma}{N}\sum_{j=1}^N w_{ij}(1-\cos(x_j))\Big]
Since the activity is interpreted as an angle, it is typical to take the
cosinus of the activity.
[docs] def __init__(self, sigma=0.1, input_intensity=0.5, cos_transform=True):
sigma : Float : (default=0.1)
input_intensity : Float : (default=0.5)
Input intensity to each node.
cos_transform : Bool : (default=True)
If true, take the cosinus of the activity as output.
super(ThetaModelDynamics, self).__init__()
self.sigma = sigma
self.I = input_intensity
self.cos_transform = cos_transform
def best_x0(self, G):
"""Random numbers between 0 and ``2*np.pi``
return np.random.uniform(0,2*np.pi, size=(G.number_of_nodes(),))
def __call__(self, G, T, x0=None):
if x0 is None:
x0 = self.best_x0(G)
W = nx.to_numpy_array(G)
N = G.number_of_nodes()
dt = T[1]-T[0]
def ode(x, T, W):
net = self.I + self.sigma/N * (W @ (1-np.cos(x)))
dydt = (1-np.cos(x)) + (1+np.cos(x))*net
return dydt
X = odeint(ode, x0, T, args=(W.copy(), ))
if self.cos_transform:
return np.cos(X)
return X