Source code for dynamicalab.drawing.sbm_layouts

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx

def sample_from_circle(n, centroid=(0,0), radius=1):
    theta = np.random.random(n)*360
    r = np.sqrt(np.random.random(n)*radius)
    x = r*np.cos(theta)
    y = r*np.sin(theta)
    return x+centroid[0], y+centroid[1]

def sample_nodes_from_centers(node_subsets, centroids, radius_scale=None):
    assert len(node_subsets) == len(centroids)
    if radius_scale==None:
        radius_scale = [1]*len(node_subsets)

    pos = {}
    for i,subset in enumerate(node_subsets):
        x, y = sample_from_circle(len(subset), centroid=centroids[i], radius=len(subset)*radius_scale[i])
        for j,node in enumerate(subset):
            pos[node] = np.array([x[j], y[j]])
    return pos

[docs]def split_edges(G, node_subsets): H = G.copy() edge_bunchs = [] for i, nodes_a in enumerate(node_subsets): nodes = np.unique(list(nodes_a)) sub = H.subgraph(nodes).copy() edge_bunchs.append(sub.edges()) H.remove_edges_from(sub.edges()) for i, nodes_a in enumerate(node_subsets): for j, nodes_b in enumerate(node_subsets): if i!=j: nodes = np.unique(list(nodes_a) + list(nodes_b)) sub = H.subgraph(nodes).copy() edge_bunchs.append(sub.edges()) H.remove_edges_from(sub.edges()) return reversed(edge_bunchs)
[docs]def clustered_layout(G, groups, centroids, radius_scale=None): """This function constructs a layout where nodes are sampled in circles around centroids of groups. **Parameters** G : Networkx Graph A Networkx ``Graph`` or ``DiGraph``. groups : list of lists A list of groups of nodes. Each element of groups must be a list of ``node_id``. centroids : list of lists Position of the centers of the groups radius_scale : list of float : (default=None) Scaling of the radius for each group. If None, then the scaling is equal to 1 for all groups. Smaller scaling increases the nodes density. **Returns** dict Dictionary of positions that can be use directly with ``draw_networks``. Each key is a ``node_id`` (from ``groups``) and the value is a position ``[x,y]``. list of edges Split of edges between each group. Makes the plot much simpler. Check the example. **Raise** ``ValueError`` Occurs if ``groups`` does not contain all nodes (low criterion). **Example** .. code:: python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx as nx import dynamicalab.drawing as draw # Generate a network pin = [0.05, 0.2] pout= 0.003 sizes = [100,250] G = nx.random_partition_graph(sizes, 0.25, 0.01) node_subsets = [range(0,sizes[0]), range(sizes[0], sizes[0]+sizes[1])] centroids = [(0,0), (4,4)] radius_scale = [0.02,0.03] # Get layout pos, edge_bunchs = draw.clustered_layout(G, node_subsets, centroids, radius_scale) # Draw plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) node_colors = ['#b2182b', '#2166ac'] for i, nodes in enumerate(node_subsets): nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos=pos, node_size=30, nodelist=nodes, node_color=node_colors[i]) colors = ['#bdbdbd', '#bdbdbd', '#67a9cf', '#ef8a62'] for i, edges in enumerate(edge_bunchs): nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=pos, alpha=0.2, edgelist=edges, edge_color=colors[i]) plt.axis("off") .. image:: /_static/assets/cluster_layout.png :align: center """ N = G.number_of_nodes() if (N!=np.sum([len(u) for u in groups])): raise ValueError("All nodes must be grouped in list in groups.") return pos = sample_nodes_from_centers(groups, centroids, radius_scale) edges = split_edges(G, groups) return pos, edges