Source code for dynamicalab.algorithms.onion_decomposition

import networkx as nx

[docs]def onion_decomposition(graph): """This function extracts the onion decomposition and the k-core decomposition of a simple undirected graph. **Parameters** graph : nx.Graph A simple undirected graph without self-loops. .. warning:: The algorithm only considers the **simple** (no multiedges), **undirected** and **without self-loops** version of the original graph. **Retuns** onion : dict Dictionary mapping the vertices (identified by their name) to their layer in the onion decomposition. kcore : dict Dictionary mapping the vertices (identified by their name) to the maximal k-core to which they belong. **References** .. [1] L. Hébert-Dufresne, J. A. Grochow, and A. Allard, Multi-scale structure and topological anomaly detection via a new network statistic: The onion decomposition. `Scientific Reports 6, 31708 (2016) <>`_ **Example** .. code:: python import networkx as nx import dynamicalab.algorithms as algo G = nx.florentine_families_graph() onion, kcore = algo.onion_decomposition(G) """ # Creates a copy of the graph (to be able to remove vertices and edges) and . _the_graph = nx.Graph(graph).to_undirected() _the_graph.remove_edges_from( _the_graph.selfloop_edges() ) # Dictionaries to register the k-core/onion decompositions. _coreness_map = {} _layer_map = {} # Performs the onion decomposition. _current_core = 1 _current_layer = 1 while _the_graph.number_of_nodes() > 0: # Sets properly the current core. _min_degree = min([d for n, d in]) if _min_degree >= (_current_core+1): _current_core = _min_degree # Identifies vertices in the current layer. _this_layer_ = [] for v in _the_graph.nodes(): if[v] <= _current_core: _this_layer_.append(v) # Identifies the core/layer of the vertices in the current layer. for v in _this_layer_: _coreness_map[v] = _current_core _layer_map[v] = _current_layer _the_graph.remove_node(v) # Updates the layer count. _current_layer = _current_layer + 1 # Returns the dictionaries containing the k-shell and onion layer of each vertices. return (_layer_map, _coreness_map)