Three important presentations
Dynamica held 3 (!) end of winter semester Colloquia on April 12th.
Vincent Thibeault presented his plan for his master thesis, in a talk entitled “Prédiction des régimes de synchronisation sur graphes aléatoires” (Predicting synchronization regimes on random graphs); Xavier Roy-Pomerleau did the same. His presentation was titled “Inférence d’interactions d’ordre supérieur dans les systèmes complexes” (Inference of higher order interactions in complex systems).
On this occasion, Guillaume St-Onge also passed his doctoral entry exam. An important part of the evaluation was a presentation, titled “Theoretical and computational modeling of spreading processes on complex networks”.
The three of them passed their respective tests with excellent grades, and are now free to undertake the next step; for VT and XRP, this will mean writing their M.Sc thesis, while GST can officially begin the active research portion of his PhD.
Best of luck to them!