NetSci 2019 in Burlington : 3 talks and a strong alumni representation
Dynamica performs a hat trick : three members of the network division will attend and give talks during the main conference at NetSci 2019. This 14th edition will be held in Burlington, Vermont, at the end of May.
The presentations will cover diverse topics : the (deep) learning of dynamical processes on complex networks (C. Murphy), the characterization of localization on networks for spreading processes (G. St-Onge) and the prediction of synchronization regimes using dimension reduction on graphs (V. Thibeault). Details are available on the conference page.
Beyond this formidable representation of the current members of the group, alumni from Dynamica will be particularly active during this annual meeting on network science. Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, now assistant professor in the department of computer science at the University of Vermont, will be Co-Chair for the main conference. Jean-Gabriel Young, James S. McDonnell Fellow at the University of Michigan, will be Co-Chair at the Open NetSci Hackathon, the weekend before the main event.
Abstracts for the presentations are available on the publication page.