Three important talks

This year, Dynamica held 3 (!) end of winter semester Colloquia.

On April 24th, Guillaume St-Onge presented his plan for his master thesis, in a talk entitled “Dynamique de propagation sur réseaux aléatoires” ( Propagation dynamics on Random Networks ); Charles Murphy did the same on May 12th. His presentation was titled “Étude de la structure croissante des réseaux géométriques” ( The Growing Structure of Geometrical Networks ).

On this occasion, Edward Laurence also passed his doctoral entry exam. An important part of the evaluation was a presentation, given on May 12th, titled “La résilience des réseaux neuronaux” ( Resilience of the Brain ).

The three of them passed their respective tests with excellent grades, and are now free to undertake the next step; for GST and CM, this will mean writing their M.Sc thesis, while EL can officially begin the active research portion of his PhD.
Best of luck to them!

[The abstracts are linked below]