Dr. Denis Gagnon
It is with great pride that we announce that Denis Gagnon (DeGa) has successfully defended his thesis entitled “Generalized Lorenz-Mie Theory: Applications to scattering and resonances of photonic complexes” and has therefore been awarded the title of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph. D.).
The thesis and the oral presentation have left a strong impression on the examiners. Rigour in the treatment of the models and novelty in the combination of methods (from scattering and resonance calculations to optimisation in photonics) were hailed as the highest standard to reach by all present. Besides the 4 publications that form the core of the thesis, a further success is to note, a special editorial invitation by the Journal of Optics (IOP) to produce a tutorial review of his thesis work.
The final version of his thesis is available from the theses page.
DeGa will join early in February 2015 the group of Steve Maclean at INRS Varennes (Energie-Matériaux-Télécommunications) for his post-doctoral research.